Many surf coaches and instructors offer pro surf coaching by video analysis. However, detailed analysis and understanding of the subtleties and faults in technique is a highly complex task, only a few surf trainers will master. UniSURFity prides itself on its intimate understanding of crucial foundational movement which leads to high-performance results. Our expertise has been recognised by official surfing governing bodies such as ISA, ASI and WSA. These organisations and surf schools have acquired Jez Browning to help design advanced surf coaching courses.
what makes unisurfity coaching different?
"I can't just watch someone surf. I analyse it from start to finish. Whether it be understanding how John John kept his board stuck to his feet through an inverted rotation, through to someone always falling off their inside rail in the whitewater. Every aspect of a surfers technique is analysed. I'm like the Rain Man of surfing!" Jez Browning, Founder and Head Coach at
As you can see there's a lot going on in the above picture. We'll hand you over to Jez to elaborate on what he's seeing on one of his own turns.
" This wave was a very fast running wall with multiple sections on a funky but fun beach break called Porto Do Mos, Lagos, Portugal. The idea behind this manoeuvre was to hit a tight section with existing speed but to get an added extra boost of speed to project around the section and onto some more open face (not in the pic). I remember not having much room on the face to float over this section (plus it's pretty foamy), so opted to power round it. My bottom turn is actually super flat and purposely set high as I want to project and cover distance rather than give room to get vertical, pivot and chuck out spray. There's a lot going on here but I'll try and explain as simply as possible. It's always best when I can be in front of you explaining this on moving video footage so bear with me.
Key Points
Bottom turn and top turn should always be mirror opposites. You wind up one way and therefore undo the same the other way. Bottom turn (in blue) is a mirror opposite of top turn (green line). The red line is where the board is running at it's slowest as its flat and therefore more drag, this should be minimised.
Trailing arm dictates the curvature of your turn. It's no coincidence that the curve of my arm matches the curve of my turn.
Your board will always end up in line with your shoulders. It's just how we as humans are made up...fact.. Make sure your shoulder line points out to where you want the nose of your board to eventually point. I see this as one of the biggest faults in surfers throughout the worlds line-ups.
Timed compression and extension - My inside hand (left and circled in orange) tries to touch the water. This creates compression and rotation all at the right time.
If you want to be smooth and fluid in surfing, then your head (it's actually shoulder line but we're more aware of our head) is always one manoeuvre ahead of the one that you're doing. Ie in this pic my line of sight is looking to the bottom, below the white water where I will be doing a projecting bottom turn (double pump) around the section.. but with a bit of turbo boosted speed thanks to the inertia from hitting the lip."
Er.. Thanks Jez.. Yes.. we know this all sounds very complicated and not exactly easy to achieve from just reading this. However, this is designed to give you an insight into how freakishly detailed Jez's analysis goes.
what gets the best results?
Getting onto a UniSURFity trip is by far the most cost-efficient way and also will give you a superb holiday. The destinations are hand-picked for not only different abilities but also the time of year, too.
Unlike camps that have a base with sub-standard surf conditions when out of season. UniSURFity picks prime surf breaks that will be "going off" for that time of year. They're picked to provide incredible conditions or remove factors such as crowds, or wave quality. This allows the surfers, of that advertised level, to perform in the best environment the ocean can offer. Enabling them to really focus efficiently on the areas they wish to fix.
For example, Maldives offers fantastic waves for working on "wave face" manoeuvres from learning the basics through to creating a massive fluid attack for Advanced and Competing surfers.
What you'll get on a typical trip as a minimum is the following;
At least one Video Analysis session per day (this is in 4k and ultra slow motion and yours to keep)
Professional SLR surf shots for some of the week (sometimes the video sessions are replaced with Hi-Res DSLR photo sessions as these are great souvenirs but can still be used as pro surf coaching aids)
One to One breakdown and analysis of your own surfing
Personal Goal setting for the trip and beyond
Surf-related exercises to help maintain surf health, surf specific movement and to help achieve the above goals
Access to the rest of the groupβs tips and surf breakdown (by having a group dynamic you end up with a more complete picture of what creates decent surfing)
Surfboard and Equipment analysis, theory and advice
Surfing Fundamentals - What makes good and bad surfing (You should walk away with the tools to self analyse. You are your best coach as I can't feel or think the same as you)
A massive smile on your face and a huge sense of achievement (this might all sound serious, however, these trips are run by a super fun guy, and the people who are attracted to these trips are of the same mentality. You'll have an absolute blast)
3 or more surfing friends for life (Yep... typically Solo travellers end up leaving a trip with tons of new contacts and surfing buddies. They either come on the next trip together or surf with each other at home or abroad)
So what levels would benefit from this kind of coaching?
Beginners - Click for advice
Intermediates - Click to find out if you're an intermediate and what trips are suitable for you